Partner campsites

Vacances André Trigano Campings Partenaires


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But here's what we can offer you:

Vacances André Trigano partner campsites

Our partner destinations

Drawing on our experience in open-air hotels and our expertise in nature vacations, we offer you the following selection of partner campsites. They benefit from a nearby bathing area, and are located in a destination of tourist or seaside interest.

Partner campsites with Vacances André Trigano-specific rental facilities. We guarantee your reservation in one of our accommodations. We make sure they're comfortable. The owners of these partner campsites take care of your leisure activities, offering you a full range of services and entertainment.

  • Camping Les Salines**** - Eurosurf island in Hyères, Var
  • Camping Neptuno*** in Spain on the Costa Brava

Partner campsites selected by Vacances André Trigano. We take care of your reservation; accommodation, welcome, entertainment, services, etc. remain the sole responsibility of the owners of these campsites.

We recommend 2 destinations:

  • Camping Orbitur Valverde*** in Lagos, Portugal
  • Camping Orbitur Costa de Caparicia*** in Portugal on the Costa de Caparica